Logo & Crest of Oberhavel County
The Logo
The county logo aims at the geographical location of Oberhavel "directly above" - directly above the federal capital. The picture shows three stylized elements: the orange-coloured circle symbolizes Berlin. The green circle represents Oberhavel, which clings to the capital, but which also stands out from it because of its remarkable advantages. The "blue line" amidst the green represents the river Havel, which the county owes more to than just its name.
The Crest
In its upper part the crest of the County of Oberhavel shows a red eagle as the symbol of the Mark Brandenburg, the two swans underneath stand for the symbol of the region already described by Theodor Fontane in his "Wanderungen durch die Mark Brandenburg" (Wanderings through the Mark Brandenburg) or in his poem "Havelland".
The heraldic details: seperated by silver above green; on top the golden-armoured and red-tongued red eagle, the wings overlayed with golden clover stems; at the bottom two red-armoured silver swans flying next to each other.